Wednesday 23 November 2011


Throughout and during our A2 media coursework, we as a group will be using a variety of different software programmes in the pre- developing and producing our coursework piece.
Firstly, we are currently using a blogging website ‘blogger’ which is used to update and store all of our collective and individual work and research. All of our ideas and research that we post up is a build up of our final project, whereas research and picture drafts have been condoned in the pre-making of our film poster, horror magazine front cover and our teaser trailer. Also, blogger is easy for us to use as we have all used this site before and it is easy for all members of our group to access. Blogger also enables us to organise our work efficiently and to also keep track of where we’re a t with our work.

We will be using Microsoft word to type up some of our work such as the treatment, profiling audience and the textual analysis to help build our blog.  

Photoshop is a software that we are all familiar with from using it in our AS coursework;
although Ayo is more skilled in photoshop in which he will be using to create our Film Poster and Magazine in which as a group will help him. We also used photoshop in creating our moodboard. Photoshop allows us to be creative with our product as it provides a variety of different tools and enables us to use a wide range of colours, graphics and fonts.

Final Cut Pro x is a software that we are all new to, although Josh is skilled in the editing of videos in whixch he will primarily be using this software in the editing of our teaser trailer; whereby we as a group will also contribute in helping him. As a group, we have also practiced using this software, as we filmed a short clip in class and we used final cut pro to cut a few bits out and also to put scenes together. 

Music soundtrack pro will be used to edit and produced the music and voice overs that we will use in our teaser trailer. Also, this was used in the opening of the trailer whereby there was a voice over conversation with the protagonist and the antagonist.

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