Monday 21 November 2011


Canon EOS 7D

The camera that we will use to shoot our teaser trailer is the Canon EOS 7D. This camera is a digitsl camera that shoots in HD. We have learnt how to appropriately adjust the zoom, focus and also white balance.

The Canon EOS 7D has six zoom shots ranging from 18-135mm.

Vinten Pro 5
As part of our practical work we must demonstrate excellent skill in holding a shot steady, this is through using a tripod. The tripod we will be using is the Vinten Pro 5. Below is an image of the tripod:

We learnt how to attach the camera securely ensuring it doesn't fall while in use. The tripod can be raised at three levels. We have also gone through safety procedures when handling this tripod as injury is possible.

Kino Flo: Diva Lite 400
As darkness will be used at certain points in our teaser trailer it is important that we use lighting to ensure that what is happening in the scene is visible at all times. The lighting we will use is the diva lite 400. the diva lite 400 includes built-in dimming ballast and flozier diffuser.

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