Monday 28 November 2011

Equipment Set-Up

This is an image of the special effects we are going to use in our teaser trailer. The latex is used to make fake body parts and is also used to coat over the blood onto the skin to make the wound look real. We done a practice exercise in class whereby, Mr.Perales showed us how to make a fake limb (a thumb) using clay, quick dry and latex. He also told us how to make fake blood using sweet paprika with boiled water and honey.

 In these two shots, we were setting up the track, the tripod and the camera. Learning to set up the camera equipment is very crucial as we will need to know how to do it in preparation for our teaser trailer.

 In these two shots, we practiced tilting shots of our actress of shot 7 in our storyboard, whereby she takes a fall.

In this shot Paris was balancing the camera using the tracking handle, looking inside the spirit level to get the silver ball into the correct positioning so the camera is not looking at a slanted view but leveled.

 These shots show Ayo and Joshua setting up the lighting in preparation for our practice shots of our actress Paris taking a fall from one of our scenes on the storyboard.

The setting up of the lighting was to see how we would have low-key lighting for our scenes that still has our actors visible to the camera and removes any shadows from the background as they are not wanted in the shots.

We used different angles to see which ones suited the desired lighting for our shots.

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