Tuesday 1 November 2011

Shooting Script

Shot 1. Logo.
Fades In And Out

Sound: Whoosh Sound Fx

Cut to:
Shot 2. Outside - Night, Low-Key Lighting.
Begins With A Medium Shot Of The Protagonist's Torso From Behind But At An Angle That Allows For The Side Of The Character Still Visible. Camera Begins To Pan To Follow The Character As She Is Running. Character Pauses For A Moment Before Entering A Building.

Sound: Foley Sound Fx For The Protagonist' Hand Slamming The Door Ambient Sound Fx, Low Background Music Of A Fast And High Pace.

Cut to:
Shot 3. Outside - Night, Low-Key Lighting.
Medium Shot - As The Antagonist Walks Towards A Door - Camera Set Up To View The Character From Their Legs Only. As Not To Reveal Their Face.

Sound: Foley Sound Fx As The Door Opens And Slams Shut Behind The Character.
Background Music At Continued Fast Pace.
Cut to:
Shot 4. Interior - Studio, Night, Low-Key Lighting.
Close Up Of, The Protagonist Is Sitting Down On The A Chair As It Spins, Looking Helpless And Vunerable - Panting.

Sound: Ambient Sounf Fx, Background Music Fast Paced, Non Digetic Sound Of Panting.
Cut to:
Shot 5. Interior - Studio, Night, Low-Key
Long Shot Of The Antagonist Walking Towards The Protagonist Tied To A Chair Camera Sees This From The Front.

Sound: Fast Paced Background Music

Cut To:
Shot 6. Interior - Studio Night, Low-Key
Medium Long Shot Of Antogonist About To Axe tHe Protaginist.

Sound: Fast Paced BAckground Music, Fading Out.

Cut To:
Shot 7. Interioir - Studio, Night, Low-Key
Close Up Of Antagonist Lifting An Axe From His Lower Half.

Sound: Silent

Cut To:
Shot 8. Interioir - Studio, Night, Low-Key
Crabbing Medium Shot Of Protagonist Beaten, Then Antogonist Standing Close By With The Axe In Hand.

Sound: Fast Paced Background Music Fading Back In And Out

Cut To:
Shot 9. Coming Soon Caption

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