Wednesday 16 November 2011

Our Prop Ideas

                                                                  Mobile Phone
This prop is essential and  will be used in our first scene , as it consists of a phone conversation.  This is essential because it sets the story out for the audience because it gives them an insight as to what is going to happen in the film which will leave them in suspense. This also lets the audience build an idea in their head of the leading up of the teaser trailer and what will occur in the film.

This chair is needed for shot 4 of our teaser trailer. This shot will be a medium close-up of
the Protagonist crying, tied up sitting on the chair, held hostage. The reason why we chose a
medium close-up shot is because through this we're able to see the Protagonists body language
and posture as well as seeing her facial expression in which the audience will have an idea of what
is or what will take place in that shot.

This lighter is significant in the shot 6 of our Teaser trailer because when the Protagonist lights the lighter she sees that she is in a wordrobe full of limbs which is also
revealed to the audience; the lighter enables the audience to see the reaction tof the Protagonist
through her facial expressions.

                                                           Circular Saw

This Circular Saw will be used for the Antagonists weapon. The shot will be a medium long shot of the antogonist holding the weapon; so he dosent actually use it in our Teaser trailer
to attack the protagonist. Us as students are not licensed to purchase this tool, so we are going to borrow it from the DT department with there consent that we are eligable to use it.


                                      Smoke Machine
This smoke machine will be needed for shot 7 of our
teaser trailer. This shot will consist of the Antagonist
kneeling down on the floor outside which is where the smoke machine will be needed to give the effect that she is in a misty location such as a forest. This may also set the mood of the shot as the colour Grey is usually seen as a dull, moody colour.


This wardrobe will be used in shot 9 of our teaser trailer. The Protagonist will be hiding in this wardrobe which will consist of limbs inside of it.

This rope will be needed in one of our scenes to tie the Protagonists hands together
to portray what is going on in the shot e.g being held hostage    

Mannequins arms and legs will be needed in our teaser trailer as one scene will be held in a wardrobe whereby the limbs will be present hanging around posing as people arms and legs of victims that been previously be captured and killed.

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