Monday 17 October 2011

Magazine Front Cover: Textual Analysis

Horror Hound magazine does not only provide Horror magazines but they give their readership vital information on getting the merchandises they show in films. For example costumes, masks, games and soundtracks. They strive to present fans with a home, hosting a number of contests, allowing readers to view horror tattoos, letters and fan artwork each issue.
The Masthead of this magazine ‘Horror Hound’ denotes is black with a red outline. The font type used is big and bold. The focal colour in the masthead is black, which is usually associated with death for example at funerals people wear black also black could also symbolise fear and emptiness, which all link in with the horror genre. The outline of the Masthead is Red, which is a common masthead colour for magazines. Also Red is the customary colour that represents blood and death in connection to horror films. The colours Red and Black automatically give off a fearful and scary feeling by which Horror Hound magazine successfully done. The Masthead’s font is similar to Arial Rounded MT Bold; this stands out from the rest of the texts because it is big and it looks like it is screaming out of the page. This font is a common choice for Horror Hound; this may be that their readership will be able to easily identify it and it may be a signature for the magazine. Also the masthead is at the top centre of the magazine which is eye-catching for the audience. Directly beneath the masthead is the selling line which says ‘The Horror Fans magazine!’  This lets their readership know that the magazine is just what they want as it is for them; this will lead people to buy it because the selling line tells them that the magazine will meet their expectations.
The main image denotes a medium close up of a zombie who is looking directly at the camera. ‘Zombie’ is one of the conventions of horror that a lot of people are familiar with. This maybe the reason why HorrorHound used an image of a zombie as the front cover, because the target audience will be able to easily identify zombies with horror. Zombies can be metaphors for a plague or disease within a culture and are creatures usually portrayed as either reanimated corpses or mindless human beings and are creatures usually portrayed a reanimated corpse. The image is placed in the centre of the front cover, directly looking at the camera which engages the zombie with its readership. High key lighting has been used in this shot which enables the readership to clearly see the main image.
The main coverline ‘the Walking Dead’ is the name of a TV series which was created by Frank darabont. This coverline may have been used to attract the target audience as the main readership of the magazine will be horror fans so they are most likely to be familiar with this TV series. Also underneath it, it says ‘exclusive interviews: frank darabont, Robert Kirkman, Greg nicoteran, Gale Anne hurd’. These are the names of the producers of the stories in which the readership might be interested in there interviews.
The coverlines are all placed on the left hand side of the page, with an image in relation to it on top of it. The first coverline is the name (Stephen King) of a famous American author who writes horror books. The image on top of it denotes three monsters on female and two males. The second coverline is of an interview with the producer of the film Resident Evil; this may be intriguing to the readership as they are horror fans which may want to know more about the producer’s thoughts. The third coverline is of a comic strip. The forth coverline, is of the names of the producers and directors horror films for instance ‘Wes Craven’; this may attract readership as horror fans are likely to know these directors/producers and would’ve seen at least one of their films.

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