Monday 17 October 2011

Texual Analysis Of A Horror Poster

The main image denotes a medium close-up of a blonde Caucasian female. The shot type may have been used to emphasise the main image as the angle and the posture of the woman is arched and her facial expressions and gesture is very dramatic which portrays the strenuous effect of the hand that’s dragging her. Also, her facial expressions, and the titling back of her head denotes that she is being dragged by a monster or a supernatural being as we can tell by the skin and the claws of its hands. From the image we can assume that the hands is of a demon or some sort of demonic being as it is coming up from the fire which signifies hell whereby demons reside. From the main image we already have a clear picture of what is going to happen in the film as the title is ‘drag me to hell’ and the main image connotes that the antagonist is being dragged to hell which the flames, her gesture and the hands connote. A common convention of horror films such as scream, scary movie and a nightmare on Elm Street is that the blonde popular girl ‘who deserves to dies’ dies is the protagonist in which this film uses that convention. Her costume contrasts with the whole ‘dumb blonde’ stereotype as she is wearing a blazer whereby smart business people wear. This might be that maybe director wanted to challenge this stereotype.

The main colours used in this poster orange along with low key colours such as black and grey. This connotes a horror film synopsis because the colours give off a fearful, creepy and scary feeling, as the colour black is usually associated with death for example people wear black to funerals. Also, the colour grey can symbolise sadness in which may be used deliberately to link in with the main image because we can see the victim being attacked. Also, the colour Grey seldom evokes strong emotion in which we can see this through the characters facial expression that she is going through some sort of pain. Also, and the colour of the flames may represent the danger that occurs in horror films and also may connote fear and death. The colours used in this film poster are very significant in relation to horror because they all contribute by the colour connotations, the aspects of horror.
The composition of the protagonists is in the middle of the shot, this may have been done so that the audience can clearly see what is taking part in the shot and also so that it can stand out. She is also positioned in front on the houses and buildings which may connote gives us an insight as to what is going to happen in the film because the positioning shows that  this particular shot is the highlight of the film because it portrays it as of such importance. Also, the shot type is a medium close up which may be used to emphasise what is going on in the shot. Also, the anchorage of the text helps the audience to understand the context of the image. The title ‘Drag me to hell’ immediately gives the audience an insight as to what the film is about as the image does what the title says. This may be used as a teaser for the audience, as they may be intrigued and eager to watch the film s they already have a clear idea what it is about. Also, this may also leave the audience in suspense as they may be trying to figure out what will happen in the film. The title grabs the audience’s attention because it tells the audiences what they’re in for.

The text is in a small white stencil font and all the letters are in capitals which is positioned at the bottom of the screen. The font chosen is very sharp which really outlines the words ‘Drag Me to Hell’; this may have been done specifically as it exaggerates the words like you would really want to be ‘dragged’ to hell. The colour white symbolises cleanliness and purity which contrasts highly with the title, the white may have been used to signify that the protagonist is pure to show the link between her and hell. The text is positioned at the bottom of the screen; this may be in relation to ‘Hell’ as we know that hell is at the bottom below the earth in which the flames denote. This may be used to put emphasis on the title and to draw the message across that the woman will be dragged to hell which teases the audience because we don’t whether she will be dragged to hell.

The tagline states that “Christine Brown has a good job a great boyfriend, and a bright future. But in three days she is going to hell.” The tagline along with the main image and the title gives away the main the storyline and tells us a bit of what is going to happen in the film. This may have been done to draw in an audience, by giving them an insight as to what happens so they could be more eager to find out what happens so they can watch it. The tagline is written directly above the title; this may have been to tease the audience because after you finish reading it the title is below and it makes you want to know more and to go and see the film. The font size of the tagline is very small compared to the title, which may have been done to make the title stand out. The colour used (White) is the same as the title. From the tagline we can build a picture in our head of the type of the lifestyle the protagonist lives and from this we can also see that she isn’t the typical ‘dumb blonde’.

The background of this film poster denotes big houses. This connotes that the location of the film may have been around a suburban area. Horror films are usually located in quiet areas such as the suburbs.

To conclude, overall I think this film poster definitely appeals to its target audience. It meets its main purpose of persuading the audience to go and see the film through the main image and the tagline; which creates suspense within the audience as the tagline teases them. However, I do think that they should have given less in the tagline because now the audience can automatically decide whether the film is worth seeing which can be a disadvantage as well as an advantage. 

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