Thursday 20 October 2011

Three Drafts Ideas For Trailer

Idea 1:The protagonist (charley) is the it girl, the girl that everyone wants to be friends with, her personality very shallow, she’s vain she popular etc.  Someone out to kill this could be someone she bullied in her past. The trailer starts off with a blank dark screen, phone dial tone is been played, charley answer the phone and screams “what do you want from me” killer reply is you dead” then quick cuts are shown of the running away from him, then another quick cut of the killer studio, ( dt department) then a quick cut of running into the cupboard to hide lights her lighter and surrounded by dead bodies hanging all around her, then fades quickly. 

Idea 2: An infectious disease spread out through town. One woman wakes up to find shes the only one who is immune to it, and she sees Zombies everywhere she goes. There is only one way to survive and that is to find the antidote, in which the zombies prevent her from finding it. The protagonist is out to get her and she needs to find a way to save the population. 

Idea 3: There is a college student. He is very lazy yet very playful. He stays up late on school nights playing video games and surfing the web. In college he is constantly being shouted at for falling asleep in lessons and failing to do work. It has got to a point where his mother has been called up and informed for his slack. One day he falls asleep in lesson and when the lesson is over he is not woken up. He wakes up late at night to find he is still in college from the time he fell asleep in lesson. The college is locked so there is no way out. As he explores the rest of the college he is terrified when he comes to find he is not alone. It turns out that after dark the teachers turn into flesh eating zombies and he has to survive the night alone against the zombie college staff.

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