Tuesday 29 November 2011

Practice videos

Our media group done a group exercise whereby, each of our table groups individually thought of a shot based on psychological horror in which we put together in a short story board to be decided on as a class to be filmed as practice with the lighting and camera equipment. at the end of filming all the scenes together we would then edit the short trailer as a finished product to show that we have had experience in editing videos on the programme final cut pro on the apple macs.

This short video is the scene that our group came up with whereby the female was sitting down on a chair having what seemed to be a fit/seizure

Mood Board

Monday 28 November 2011

Equipment Set-Up

This is an image of the special effects we are going to use in our teaser trailer. The latex is used to make fake body parts and is also used to coat over the blood onto the skin to make the wound look real. We done a practice exercise in class whereby, Mr.Perales showed us how to make a fake limb (a thumb) using clay, quick dry and latex. He also told us how to make fake blood using sweet paprika with boiled water and honey.

 In these two shots, we were setting up the track, the tripod and the camera. Learning to set up the camera equipment is very crucial as we will need to know how to do it in preparation for our teaser trailer.

 In these two shots, we practiced tilting shots of our actress of shot 7 in our storyboard, whereby she takes a fall.

In this shot Paris was balancing the camera using the tracking handle, looking inside the spirit level to get the silver ball into the correct positioning so the camera is not looking at a slanted view but leveled.

 These shots show Ayo and Joshua setting up the lighting in preparation for our practice shots of our actress Paris taking a fall from one of our scenes on the storyboard.

The setting up of the lighting was to see how we would have low-key lighting for our scenes that still has our actors visible to the camera and removes any shadows from the background as they are not wanted in the shots.

We used different angles to see which ones suited the desired lighting for our shots.

Friday 25 November 2011

Film age rating

The British Board of Film Classification regulates the media, especially DVD/video, film and video games and is also a service provider for new and developing media. They provide media industries with the security and confidence of cost-effective, publicly trusted regulation and help to protect providers from breaches of UK law.

They help to protect vulnerable viewers and society from the effects of viewing potentially harmful or unsuitable content while respecting adult freedom of choice and have the right to make changes/ban films that they class as inappropriate.

*      For example, Cannibal Holocaust whereby the had  to make five minutes 44 seconds of cuts to remove unacceptable elements which cuts were required in eight individual scenes, four scenes of sexual violence and four scenes of animal killing.

We decided to aim our target audience at the ages of 18+. This is because the horror genre we have chosen is a slasher which is quite similar to films such as the Texas chainsaw massacre, valentine and a nightmare on Elm Street which were also classified as 18 because of the content. Also, our storyline is based on bullying in which the Protagonist is a pretty outgoing popular girl who goes partying; which will most likely appeal to an older audience.

Wednesday 23 November 2011


Throughout and during our A2 media coursework, we as a group will be using a variety of different software programmes in the pre- developing and producing our coursework piece.
Firstly, we are currently using a blogging website ‘blogger’ which is used to update and store all of our collective and individual work and research. All of our ideas and research that we post up is a build up of our final project, whereas research and picture drafts have been condoned in the pre-making of our film poster, horror magazine front cover and our teaser trailer. Also, blogger is easy for us to use as we have all used this site before and it is easy for all members of our group to access. Blogger also enables us to organise our work efficiently and to also keep track of where we’re a t with our work.

We will be using Microsoft word to type up some of our work such as the treatment, profiling audience and the textual analysis to help build our blog.  

Photoshop is a software that we are all familiar with from using it in our AS coursework;
although Ayo is more skilled in photoshop in which he will be using to create our Film Poster and Magazine in which as a group will help him. We also used photoshop in creating our moodboard. Photoshop allows us to be creative with our product as it provides a variety of different tools and enables us to use a wide range of colours, graphics and fonts.

Final Cut Pro x is a software that we are all new to, although Josh is skilled in the editing of videos in whixch he will primarily be using this software in the editing of our teaser trailer; whereby we as a group will also contribute in helping him. As a group, we have also practiced using this software, as we filmed a short clip in class and we used final cut pro to cut a few bits out and also to put scenes together. 

Music soundtrack pro will be used to edit and produced the music and voice overs that we will use in our teaser trailer. Also, this was used in the opening of the trailer whereby there was a voice over conversation with the protagonist and the antagonist.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Logo Designs

These are Logo drafts that was done to bring forward during one of our group meetings to be decided on as a group. The logo design had to be different from others, imaginative and unique. The logo we chose as a group had to best reflect our production team, Clear View.

Monday 21 November 2011


Canon EOS 7D

The camera that we will use to shoot our teaser trailer is the Canon EOS 7D. This camera is a digitsl camera that shoots in HD. We have learnt how to appropriately adjust the zoom, focus and also white balance.

The Canon EOS 7D has six zoom shots ranging from 18-135mm.

Vinten Pro 5
As part of our practical work we must demonstrate excellent skill in holding a shot steady, this is through using a tripod. The tripod we will be using is the Vinten Pro 5. Below is an image of the tripod:

We learnt how to attach the camera securely ensuring it doesn't fall while in use. The tripod can be raised at three levels. We have also gone through safety procedures when handling this tripod as injury is possible.

Kino Flo: Diva Lite 400
As darkness will be used at certain points in our teaser trailer it is important that we use lighting to ensure that what is happening in the scene is visible at all times. The lighting we will use is the diva lite 400. the diva lite 400 includes built-in dimming ballast and flozier diffuser.

Costume Ideas

Only two people will be featured in our teaser trailer.

First is the antagonist. Our antagonist was influenced mainly by Leatherface from the texas chainsaw massacre series. We, as a group, decided that him wearing an apron will be effective. The apron shows that the villain is at work but in addition supports the convention that antagonists have some sort of insecurity or uncertainty about their sexuality. Below is an image of the character who influenced our costume

Storyboard Script

The opening scene consists of a phone conversation between the Antagonist and the Protagonist. This automatically lets the audience know what is likely to take place in the film; as it indicates that someone is being taunted after. This scene is similar to the opening of the scream 4 teaser trailer.

In this shot, we see the Protagonist opening a door, which she does not enter. It gives the audience the feel as to what lies behind closed doors.

In this shot the Protagonist is tied to a chair, crying which gives the audience the impression that she’s been held hostage/kidnapped.

In this shot the Protagonist is kneeling down on the floor, looking helpless and vulnerable – panting.

In this shot will be a pan of the Antagonist walking with its weapon (circular saw) also a smoke machine would be used.

In this shot we see a medium close up of the protagonist in a wardrobe. She lights the lighter and notices the blood and limbs in the wardrobe and screams.

In this final shot, a caption will go across the scene saying Guess Who, followed by our film title KARMA.

In this shot the Protagonist is running. This shot doesn’t show the audience what exactly she is running from – this was used to create suspense.

In this shot the telephone rings. The phone is a significant prop in our Teaser trailer as the Antagonist uses this to contact its victim.

In this shot the Protagonist is facing a wall filled with paper with insults written on them. This was used to portray that our storyline is to do with bullying. This gives the audience a clearer film of what the film may be about.

Pratice Phone Dialogue

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Our Prop Ideas

                                                                  Mobile Phone
This prop is essential and  will be used in our first scene , as it consists of a phone conversation.  This is essential because it sets the story out for the audience because it gives them an insight as to what is going to happen in the film which will leave them in suspense. This also lets the audience build an idea in their head of the leading up of the teaser trailer and what will occur in the film.

This chair is needed for shot 4 of our teaser trailer. This shot will be a medium close-up of
the Protagonist crying, tied up sitting on the chair, held hostage. The reason why we chose a
medium close-up shot is because through this we're able to see the Protagonists body language
and posture as well as seeing her facial expression in which the audience will have an idea of what
is or what will take place in that shot.

This lighter is significant in the shot 6 of our Teaser trailer because when the Protagonist lights the lighter she sees that she is in a wordrobe full of limbs which is also
revealed to the audience; the lighter enables the audience to see the reaction tof the Protagonist
through her facial expressions.

                                                           Circular Saw

This Circular Saw will be used for the Antagonists weapon. The shot will be a medium long shot of the antogonist holding the weapon; so he dosent actually use it in our Teaser trailer
to attack the protagonist. Us as students are not licensed to purchase this tool, so we are going to borrow it from the DT department with there consent that we are eligable to use it.


                                      Smoke Machine
This smoke machine will be needed for shot 7 of our
teaser trailer. This shot will consist of the Antagonist
kneeling down on the floor outside which is where the smoke machine will be needed to give the effect that she is in a misty location such as a forest. This may also set the mood of the shot as the colour Grey is usually seen as a dull, moody colour.


This wardrobe will be used in shot 9 of our teaser trailer. The Protagonist will be hiding in this wardrobe which will consist of limbs inside of it.

This rope will be needed in one of our scenes to tie the Protagonists hands together
to portray what is going on in the shot e.g being held hostage    

Mannequins arms and legs will be needed in our teaser trailer as one scene will be held in a wardrobe whereby the limbs will be present hanging around posing as people arms and legs of victims that been previously be captured and killed.