Monday 16 January 2012


Lighting is important in the production of any visual media it determines how the audience interprets anything they see whether in a poster, magazine or video e.g. television, film. Our main focus is how the audience sees our film teaser trailer, as the way in which these images are interpreted determines the effectiveness of our teaser trailer and the emotional response we want from our audience. There are three main types of lights and our eyes react differently to each type.

A film is very rarely filmed with a single light source, there is usually a minimum of 4 light sources used. This is to prevent any harsh lighting or unwanted shadows and to make clear the time of day to the audience and so forth. There are many questions that need to be thought of when thinking about the quality of lighting wanted such as, How bright is the light? What is the angle of the light? What colour is the light? How sharp is the shadow? How many lights are being used? And How do they contrast in all the ways listed?

This is the basic lighting system, most commonly used. It consists of a main light, "Key Light", which lights your subject, a "Back Light" to help define the subject from the surroundings and a "Fill" for the shadow.
Although this kind of style is most commonly used in photography, we will be using this method as an idea of how we would use the lighting during filming.

Cinematography is closely related to the making of lighting and camera choices when recording photographic images for film making his role vital in the lighting aspect of filming. The role of a cinematographer is the technical aspects of the images (lighting, lens choices, composition, exposure, filtration, film selection), but works closely with the director to ensure creative aesthetics are following his director's vision of the story being told. Another aspect that has to be looked that is very important is the filters used. Such as diffusion or colour effect filters which are widely used to enhance mood or create dramatic effect.

For our task of creating a horror teaser trailer we will be using  the Diva Lite 400, knowledge and access to the equipment in the pre-production stage will allow us to be prepared for use and the different ways in which we can use it during filming.

This Research on the lighting wil be learnt by the group members to ensure that everyone has knowledge on lighting and will understand how it works in the filming of our teaser trailer. And will ensure that everyone knows how to handle the lighting equipment safely cutting down sut up time and  ensuring  that all filming time is utilised  effectively.

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