Wednesday 28 March 2012

Question 2: How Effective Is The Comibination Of Your Main Product And Ancillary Texts ?

As A Production Team It Is Important To Get Our Film Trailer As Much Publicity As Possible By Promoting Our Film In Many Ways Possible Whether It Being Promoted At Bus stops, Billboards, Newspaper and magazine On Bus And In Dvds Cases and even targeting social networking sites like facebook and youtube. In Addditon Making Sure There Is A Link Between All Product So That The Audience Can Identify That All Three Products Are Linked Because Of The Style Of Font Use Our The Colour Codes. Futhermore Us Making Sure That We Cross Media Promote giving us the opportunity to franchise and creates a buzz about the film making the target audience drawn in as they’ve heard and seen so much about the film. Here are following examples of what our poster would look like in the media we created this by using photoshop:

Film Poster At A Bustop

Film Poster On A Billboard

Film Poster In A Dvd Case

Film Poster Newspaper
We particulalry chose the back page of the newspaper as the back page is the football section. As our research shows, men are more likely to watch horror films. Football is a sport which is predominently followed by men. We figured that more of our target audience (men) will see the poster on the back page as it is a section that will mostly be viewed by men.

Film Poster In Magazine

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